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What’s the Difference between Juices and Smoothies?

Dear cupcake,

Now you need to know the difference between juice and smoothies yah... you might think the difference is obvious – but it turns out there’s a lot of confusion about the two, and many people believe they are juicing when in fact they are blending. So, let’s clear things up!

Smoothies and juices are pure nutrients in a glass. They’re both loaded with nutrients, give you an energy boost, and taste fabulous. But they’re not the same thing. The difference lie in the machines used to make each drink:

  • Juice: To make fresh homemade fruit or vegetable juice, you need a juice extractor. Juice is the water and most of the nutrients that have been separated from the fibrous pulp in fruits and vegetables.
  • Smoothies: Smoothies require a blender or Vitamix machine. When a liquid (such as fresh juice, milk, or broth) and fresh fruits and/or vegetables are processed into a purée in a blender, the resulting drink is thick and smooth — in other words, a smoothie.


When juicing, the machine extracts the juice (this is the water and most of the nutrients the produce contains), leaving behind the pulp. When blending, there is no left-over pulp. Blenders pulverize the whole produce to make a smoothie.

What can make this confusing is that these machines all use different names. If you see the term “Nutrition Extractor™”, for example, how do you know if you are juicing or blending? Simply ask yourself the question: is the machine removing the pulp? If not, it’s not juicing!

Which one is better?


Look at it this way: we all need plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit in our diet, whether we eat, juice, or blend them. They are nutrient dense powerhouses, and however we choose to take them in – it’s all good!

Juicing and blending are both great ways to include a lot of produce in our diet, and also to consume a greater variety than we may otherwise eat. But they are different and it is important to understand why.

When you juice you are removing the insoluble fiber – the pulp. Don’t get me wrong. Fiber is good for you. It keeps your digestive tract healthy and it slows down the absorption of sugar. But it also slows down the absorption of nutrients and some nutrients stay in the fiber. When you juice, you are extracting up to 70% of the nutrition right into your glass , and without the insoluble fiber your body absorbs 100% of these nutrients.
Still confused? Watch Joe Cross make a juice and a smoothie in the Reboot Kitchen. You’ll see what the difference is!

Remember love, even if you don’t believe a word of the hype about green juice or smoothies, believe this: doing anything that you think of as “healthy” affects the way you feel about yourself and your lifestyle. It gives you a psychological lift that can even bring your physical stress level down a notch or two.

On top of that, one purposely healthy action makes it more likely that you’ll do other healthy things, because the human mind just loves to be consistent. So drink that green juice or smoothie and you’ll feel more inclined to try other recipes or get some exercise, too!


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